Hot off the presses! I was lucky enough to do a little pattern testing for LouBee Clothing line that is almost ready to be in your hot little hands any day now… It is the latest of Sarah’s hip and modern clothing line, and I can’t wait for warmer weather so the girls can show these tops off. I’m a bit of a LouBee fangirl, I can’t lie. I won Sarah’s first pattern last Spring over on Call Ajaire (who’s currently in PR&P, where she does crazy things like make her own fabric!!) and I fell instantly in love. A trend that is continued one year later, with the Shandiin. And the back… I threw in a little piping here. It’s such a small little space, perfect for piping. I have some mini pom-pom trim that I’m dying to use on one of these tops! How sweet is that cut out? I haven’t made this girl clothes in awhile, because…well…she doesn’t always seem that excited about them. She wholeheartedly approves this top, however, and was asking for the photoshoot. The box pleat in the front of this is actually how I fixed a botched cutting job, but I wound […]
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